Spring 2010 in Prek 3

Spring 2010 in Prek 3


Students in Mrs. Kobetz's 3 class enjoyed a busy and fun last quarter at Trinity Episcopal Day School.  Highlights include creating works of art for the annual Trinity Art Show, performing in a musical for Grandparent's Day, completing a unit called Art, A - Z, growing vegetables, and closing out the year with Splash Day.  


Art Show:

Our class created a huge ocean mural.  First we worked together to paint a 15 foot long ocean background depicting the three zones of the ocean--the MIDNIGHT zone, the TWILIGHT zone, and the SUNLIGHT zone.  Next we studied the sea life that lives in each zone by researching books and websites.  Our absolute class favorite was the scary looking angler fish who live in the MIDNIGHT zone.  


After looking at the characteristics of each zone and the special adaptations the plants and animals of each zone make to survive in their habitats, we decided to fill up our large ocean with the appropriate species indigenous to each area. Jellyfish, various tropical fish, and the popular angler fish were some of the types of sea life chosen by the students to make.  As we finished our sea life, we added them one by one to the correct zones until our ocean was "swimming" with creatures.


We completed a unit on the earth, its oceans, and the continents and each made our own globes.  We hung these from the ceiling for the art show.  Next we worked within the area of sculpture.  Using clay, aluminum foil, wood pieces, paint, glitter, straws, and sequins, each child made a sculpture.  Some examples created we a princess, a T-rex, a car, the sun, a spider,  and a transformer.  


To complete the Prek 3 exhibit for the Art Show, we displayed some of our works of art made during our Art, A - Z unit.  Junk Art pictures, Fingerprint Fish Art, and Collage Art were some of the works chosen.  Our parents joined us for a tour of the exhibit and lunch and were proud at all we had accomplished.


Grandparent's Day:

We began our Grandparent's Day in the church where we were part of a school wide play called The Dragon.  Students from Trinity played orf instruments and sang songs about a lonely dragon who became the friend of a village.  Our students enjoyed being a part of something that included all students from the school.


After the musical, Grandparent's joined us in our classroom to hear some of our favorite songs and visit our learning centers.  We had Grandparents attending from all over the state of Louisiana.  Students enjoyed introducing their family members to their classmates.


Splash Day:

Finally, the last and most exciting day of school ever!  We played on water slides, in small pools, with bubbles and chalk for almost 3 hours.  Next, we had a pizza lunch and a snowball for dessert.   What a great day!  It was a fun way to end a fabulous year.


NOW we are officially in PreK 4 and looking forward to new teachers, new classrooms, and new friends.  We will remember our start of school in our very special Prek 3 class at Trinity Episcopal Day